(Our Faith and Life Statements)
We hold to the Apostle's Creed as written below
and to all the additional Faith and Life Statements following.
The Apostle's Creed "We believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
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Faith and Life Statements ![]() THE BIBLEWe believe that the Bible, as originally penned by people under the direction of the Holy Spirit, is the infallible Word of God for doctrine and life.
![]() SALVATIONWe believe that salvation is the free gift of God offered to man by His grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
![]() THE HOLY SPIRITWe believe that the Holy Spirit is the third part of the Trinity and that He enters
each believer at the time of salvation for the purpose of equipping them for God's good works. We believe that He must be made welcome in a believer's heart or else His presence will have little or no effect in a believer's life if He is ignored.
![]() GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRITWe believe that all the gifts of the Holy Spirit as described in the Bible are valid today for believers, including healing, prophecy and miracles.
![]() WATER BAPTISMWe believe that baptism by submersion represents an outward sign of a new life in Jesus Christ.
![]() FOREGIVENESS and GRACEWe believe that God is able and willing to forgive all believers who repent of (turn away from and do not habitually continue in) their sins.
![]() FREE WILL and ELECTIONWe believe that God chose from before the foundations of the earth those who would come to Him. ![]() OTHER RELIGIONSWe believe when Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)" that all other ways to God therefore must not be the real way, must not be the truth and must not lead to life.
![]() MARRIAGE and SEXUALITYWe believe in the sanctity of traditional marriage of one man to one woman as taught
in Christian scripture and that the marriage relationship is made complete by dependence upon Christ.
![]() ABORTION and EUTHANASIAWe believe that life begins at conception and that ending life by abortion or euthanasia is contrary to God's will and is to be considered murder.
![]() CENTRALITY OF CHRIST IN LIFEWe believe that all human relationships are enhanced and made complete when Christ is made central in the relationship and when His will is humbly obeyed.
![]() HIGHER LIFE CALLINGWe believe that Christians are called to a higher standard of conduct in terms of speech, thought and attitude and in all public and private behaviours.
![]() LIFESTYLES OF THE TRUE CHRISTIANWe believe that it is inconsistent for a person professing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Master to continue living a lifestyle that is contrary to God's Word in terms of ... substance abuse
non-traditional marriage partnerships
continued involvement in activities such as Free-Masonry and other cults
Horoscopes, Wicken, Taro cards, Oiji boards ![]() END TIMESWe believe in the Pre-millenial return of Christ as described in the Book of Revelation and we believe that the Rapture will occur before the Tribulation such that the Saints will not be afflicted by the Tribulation events. ![]() |
January 24, 2003, February 20, 2006, June 10, 2009
This page was last updated on December 30, 2020.