Reading Resources

Several of the following books are recommended for deepening your marriage relationship and understanding God’s plan for Christian Men and Women. Some take you deeper in your understanding of what God requires of you and for all of us who are battling spiritual warfare today. In addition, there are books on Prophecy for our nations.


Click on the book picture for links to the author’s websites or to sources for the book.







These two powerful books are must reads for Husbands and Wives. Stormie Omartian covers all the bases and shows the power of praying spouces is beyond imagination!


ISBN:1-56507-572-2 and 0-7369-0532-4





A definitive guide to mentoring. By Paul Stanley and Robert Clinton. What is mentoring? – Who are mentors? How to find one – how to be one!


ISBN: 0-89109-638-8




Wonderful book that looks at the Biblical roles of not only men and women themselves, but their roles as Christian husbands and wives


ISBN: 0-8254-3195-6






This is a must read for those looking at how to Improve their marriage relationship.


There is a companion work book.


ISBN: 1-56507-451-3





Normally a taboo subject, but this book really shines God’s light into this most natural of all activities in a Christian marriage.


ISBN: 1-57856-639-8







There is a battle raging for marriage. Erwin Lutzer asks the tough questions and provides the Biblical answers.





Using the Scriptures to effectively pray in power. Based on a FIVE STEPS approach to prayer.


ISBN: 0-7852-6869-3








Excellent book that looks at the foundation of our society, the family and home and how they can be strengthened.


ISBN: 1-56179-545-3






Fun book for MEN. What do women really mean when they say “A man your age should know better.” Find out!


ISBN: 1-56245-224-X





Required reading for all Husbands and Wives!


ISBN: 1-56229-1173

and 1-56229-116-5





Wonderful way to discover Men’s souls … from the dreams as small boys to the reality of today’s lifestyles and pressures.

ISBN: 0-7852-6694-1




We cannot escape spiritual warfare. Here is a great little book that shows us the steps to freedom. A must for those in battles with substances, cults and wrong doctrine.


ISBN: 0-89081-868-1


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